About us

Bruno Doedens - Land Artist

Landscape artist Bruno Doedens experiments with the reciprocal relationship between art, people and landscape. How art and culture can enrich and distort landscapes and the natural processes that are always in motion. His new, often temporary landscapes amaze, surprise and wonder. The audience is participant and spectator at the same time, nature is co-designer. And always it is big and many, like the landscape itself.

Doedens investigates the essence of the Dutch landscape, how culture and nature are interrelated in this dynamic and technical work of art formed by human hands. In 2003 Doedens began his artistic exploration with SLeM (Stichting Landschapstheater en meer): a playful journey along the boundaries of what seems obvious, in which the seemingly impossible is made possible. Dikes, dunes, canals and beaches change under his hand into imaginative landscapes, large enough to get lost in. And always there is nature itself, which makes the temporary landscapes not one day equal to itself. Ebb, flow, wind, rain, light and clouds – they are instigators and co-shapers of the temporary landscapes only to make them disappear again afterwards. What remains is the memory of the experience; they have become places with a story and a memory.

Doedens plays not only with the size and scale of the landscape and the laws of nature, but also with the audience. They are participants and spectators at the same time. He incites the audience to play, to be amazed by making the everyday unusual and makes them look with different eyes at what they thought they already knew. And thus he creates space for imagination. The audience also includes the local community; they are actively involved in the execution of the projects from the beginning. To the dynamic, often characteristic Dutch landscapes his projects add a new, inspiring and rich story, in ever-changing cooperation with the landscape, nature, the arts and with his audience.

Impression of Bosk

Motivation behind Circle4Change

Circle4Change is a landscape art project with an ambitious goal: a world in balance with the earth. It seems naive and perhaps it is, but we are aware that we cannot change the world on our own. Fortunately, more and more people are asking themselves: what can I do myself?

We need new stories. Stories that seduce, activate and take us to a balanced future, a future that we can realize together. Stories that connect “head, heart and action,” or in other words influence our thinking, feeling and doing and give us the insight that everything is connected and intertwined: in short, symbiotic.

We are convinced that by harnessing radical imagination and activating social energy, together we can set social shifts in motion. Art and culture play a crucial role in this. They can shift our perspective, our paradigm. As individuals, you and I can certainly mean something, influence something, improve it and make it more beautiful. But together we can do much more!

Change is desperately needed. The emphasis must shift from I to we, from ego to eco, from short-term to long-term, and perhaps from Anthropocene to Symbiocene. These are challenges that lie ahead and they are steps we must take together. Circle4Change wants to help with this with radical optimism, by making the impossible come true. In doing so, we want to contribute to a symbiotic world, more in harmony and more in balance. Let’s learn to love the earth again, our unique home of which we are allowed to be a part. That alone seems more than worth it to me. Celebrating life and working together for a rich balanced future. That is what Circle4Change wants to be a figurehead for”.

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